Our Remote Learning Program
Our Lady of Fatima Excellence Academy offers remote learning by way of distance learning, in which the student, teacher, and learning environment are not physically present in a traditional classroom environment. Classes and learning activities such as discussion boards, video conferencing, and online assessments are conducted through technology. Depending on the lesson, remote learning can occur synchronously with real-time peer-to-peer interaction and collaboration, or asynchronously, with self-paced learning activities that takes place self-reliantly but within a teacher’s instructions.
CANVAS LMS is the technological platform used for remote learning, class & lesson information, study resources, library collections, materials, news, communication, transmissions, grades, and mores. Students will need to demonstrate technological skills to participate in remote learning. Information on school and course notices, announcements & events are provided. Lessons and learning activities are posted, conducted, submitted, tracked, and graded in the CANVAS platform.
The material needed for students (syllabus, PPT’S, PDF’S, links, tailor-made activities, etc.) are posted on the platform once the course begins. The distance learning platform requires specific features to “carry out” different tasks. Students should meet the following standards in hardware and software applications:
Hardware | Software |
Pentium D or higher. | Web Browser Mozilla Firefox v.22 or more recent. |
1 GB Memory RAM or higher. | Operating Systems: |
[1024x728] Video resolution | Windows XP or more recent |
Fixed or wireless Internet Access (1Mb). | Mac OSX 10.5 "Leopard®" |
Microphone and Audio Headphones. | Acrobat Reader (Free software). |
Camera | Macromedia Flash Player & Microsoft Office or Open Office. |
Technical support on the use of the platform is available throughout the course and provides information about course activities and how to use the platform tools. Technical support will respond within 8 hours when contacted at itsupport@olfea.education.